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Drug Awareness seminar

Mar 10, 2018

​As your children attend Middle School or High School, you the parent, need to be well informed of the availability and types of illegal drugs that can possibly be offered to your children in the school environment. The terms “Not my child” or “not in our school” no longer apply in today’s culture.
This seminar will enlighten you as to the most common types of illicit drugs that are prevalent in the school environment. From the widely acceptable Marijuana to the deadliest narcotics that have caused thousands of deaths in the state of Florida.
Many parents whose child fell victim to drug abuse wish they had seen the signs and intervened before it was too late
Retired Narcotics Lieutenant Art Martinez, Cook County Illinois Sheriff’s Police Department
This seminar is for parents. No children please.

We will have Mach 1 detailing at the event washing and detailing vehicles while you attend if you are interested.

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